Sunday, March 6, 2011

My blog, my rules!

Please don't post any advertisements or simply unrelated comments. Simply saying that my post is good, doesn't justify the advertising links. There is no need to ask me if I have copyreader or copywriter. All my writings are only written and edited by me. I believe that I'm good enough to write good text and I have also studied advertisment design to promote myself as I see fit. So, this blog is and will remain uncommercialized independent publication. This is not democracy here, it is Juwarra's dictate how things are. If I want to advertise something, then it is for really good reason and principle and certainly not for money or popularity of me or anyone else.
I forgot to moderate comments for few years, and now I found lots of irrelevant comments. But I will look into that more from now on, that all these will be deleted. Yesterday I deleted nearly hundred comments that clearly had nothing to do with my blog. Today there is two hundred more comments in japanese. So, I'm quite pissed off right now. If this doesn't cease, then I may need to make limits to who can comment. This would mean that many real readers under the anonymous flag would suffer. I wouldn't want that, but.. I will tolerate cruel critics towards me, I may even tolerate incontinent swearing, but one thing that I don't tolerate is that some people are blind to the two rules I have wrote in red to the sidebar of my blog.

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