Tuesday, February 10, 2015

About love, sex and feelings

Who says that lust is just physical is greatly mistaken. Think where lust comes! Answer to that is, that it comes from your head - from signals that hormones give to your brain, to be exact. So, lust not only isn't opposite of feelings, it is one of the feelings.  Every sex has, or in my opinion, should have lust in it. Casual one night stand has both emotional and physical attraction too. At least for me it has been so every time. Not to mention crushes, that i have felt like most of the time. When you have a crush, it doesn't mean yet that you love that person. Crush is very superficial. You can have a crush when you don't know the person, but can love only person that you know quite deeply already. But still, you feel lust when you have a crush. And same way you feel lust when you fall in love. To be honest, i think without lust, love starts to fade very quickly. And without feelings any sex would feel empty and boring. Even when i have a one night stand with a person with whom i don't want to have anything longer lasting, i still want it to happen because i feel some closeness and even feel some fancy. Already when main impulse to start flirting and trying to get other one to bed, is their fine outlook, it actually means your emotions lead you to actions. It means you like him or her. Its not like you would just want to get it over with because you had some physical itch or need. If there is such guys or girls, then yeah, you shouldn't give in for them, but otherwise i think that casual sex without any anticipation to go into steady right away, is totally fine and acceptable modern day social behavior for both men and women. Sexual experimentation is fun and in my opinion direly needed thing before settling down with someone, or actually also after that. And everyone quite so often need some closeness and feelings to their life. Honestly i don't know any other thing that allows people so much feelings as sex, even if it is just one nighter or only quicky. If you are not total jerk you will care of your sex partner from the start. It is not just you in that bed.. or wherever you do it. It is so true that ego should be left out from even the most random sex. Otherwise it can become quite a bad experience for any participant. Anyway, sometimes that care you felt, remains even if your paths will be separate (you can become friends for example), sometimes not, but it is a fact that you had emotionally heightened state while you had sex. And sometimes it can lead to steady relationship and to love, but at first you shouldn't think ahead of yourself. First try out how other person feels and just have fun, and let things go their own way, because if you think that you hold yourself for the one and only true love and finally think you have found it, you may be surprised how much tension it could bring. Not only will you be total noob, your actions may leave your loved one to feel like you are not on the same page or she/he can even feel harassed if you suddenly start to talk of love from the day one. Love doesn't happen in a moment. Sometimes love grows very slowly and sneak into your heart even if you don't acknowledge it at first. The way to love can go over rocks and through all kind of hardships before it can finally become the life of two people (or well, why not three or four.. i'm not condemning anyone's philosophy, culture or religion in that matter). So yeah, people, be free and don't be afraid of emotions. Aren't that the kind of contemporary day or future we have fought for. Hereby i thank with a deep bow all the hippies for sexual and intellectual revolution.

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