Sunday, November 22, 2009

Remember, remember the 2009 november

Some things we do are not worthy of even our own time, yet some things are so important that we would need time and power of others too.

Like I said in the last post, I got for a change to do a day of real job. Other than that I have lately only made few ordered paintings, book illustrations for Kudrun and other such things.
So Taavi (or Dave, however you would like) to Lasnamäe Childrens Daycare Center to carry out the sculpture workshop. Taavi has worked there from the end of summer, and well, Taavi thinks I'm kind of best at sculpture. Also in this center other teachers introduced me like well-known professional sculptor. It was little bit funny.
Basically this Childrens Daycare Center is place where kids from problematic families (for example from poorer families, or from those ones where parents are not the best rolemodels yet not bad enough to take kids away from them) are directed by psychologists and/or social workers. No this is not the place like orphanage where children live. It's just that after school they can come there to play with others, take part of different workshops and things. There they can also get a proper hot meal and if needed they get help with their schoolwork. Also unlike ordinary youth centers, here every kid has a folder and they are monitored and analyzed. Pretty good thing.. I saw how some of these kids had some problems (low self esteem or critically changing moods that often went to melancholy or one boy was really closed and like in his own world somewhere) that without proper attention could end with very bad consequences or at least with children growing up pretty much as some loser and going after their parents footsteps (probably not good in most of these cases).
So we did this day all kinds of animals and fantasy creatures from the clay. We tried to make them to turn more attention and care for their works, as mostly kids just take a piece of clay , then other, then other and put these all together.. and soon they say: "Look I have a kitty done". And you can't really say nothing. Not that it isn't completed. Neither that it really doesn't look like a proper kitten. Of course some still did that but by well explaining how sculptures are actually done, telling the faults that can not be done or their animals can not be burned in the owen, and of course I also took couple of my own works so they can be well inspired to take it seriously and make something beautiful. Though, Taavi said that they were pretty well interested, and yes, some (especially some boys) took time to peacefully make their visions true. Many of them finally had nice and well complex figurines.
Taavi gave me a little money too, and certainly it is good for me, but I think I would have went there even without payment. In addition I was given a box of really good Estonian candies, of what of course I gave some half to the children, as I just can't hold such happiness to myself. Only thing for what I felt bad was that unfortunately I couldn't speak with Russians without translation of others (and there almost half of the kids were Russians). Although these kids had problems either at home or in school, they were most warm-hearted, kind and tolerant.
It was fun and after that I went to visit Liisi that further made my mood better. She made me pancakes and tea ;)

Writing this took really long time, as little feedback had lowered my inspiration to write here.. hint, hint.. write me lots of stuff here! And of course, lately I have got big plans and therefore I have been busy to make these true. Busy have I been also because I must pretty quickly finish the illustrations for this book. Only three more to do. So, all for this time. I don't know if I write this political thing I too promised last time.. but why not.. it isn't some serious political argumentation, nor ordinary whining, but a funny page in the style of what to do if...

So I hope to get lots of feedback, if anyone is reading this at all. See ya!

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