Sunday, November 22, 2009
Remember, remember the 2009 november
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Tarbatu (Tartu) and back
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Wild and wicked west
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
Lets start the change!
Think about, what can you do to change your livingstyle already today!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
..And of course I didn't fall for any latvian speaking girl.. whooh!
Oh.. I was supposed to add some photos from Latvia here. Maybe I shouldn't, as it takes away all the imagination you had about that place.. and possibly you may be dissapointed, as in my description everything may have been more beautiful. Well, but I didn't get many good photos anyway, so I still upload these few. The second time there was this cloudy weather (at least most of the time), and feeling was more off because of that, making much of that previous excitement disappear. As I have said in countless times, I work on solar power.
I went to Gauijena (yes it was i and then j.. I made mistake in the last post) in the previous eavning before the day our scenes were filmed. Man who drove us there was that day already on a second "to Estonia and back to Latvia" trip, and as waking for everyone in this filmcrew is early in the morning and we were supposed to get to Latvia around the midnight, he was pretty darn tired. In the same carride with me and another "looniecase" was one of the Estonian well known Actors - Elle Kull. She was quite talkative anyway, but when we saw that our driver is really really so tired that may just fall asleep behind the wheel, she simply didn't dare to shut her mouth. Fortunately we made it. Naturally I didn't feel any urge to go to sleep when we got to Gauijena. So I stayed up with few others almost half that night. It was good company with little drinks, fun and music. And even next morning wasn't so hard to wake up, but some time at midday it was my turn to feel overpowering tiredness. And again, although I don't like to drink coffee, I drinked it so much that later when we were driving back to Estonia I didn't feel really well.
Oh yes, I forgot to mention that I had somekind of misundersatanding when I was asked to be one of the actors there. I thought that it will be some commercial, but it was another weird Estonian movie. But it wouldn't had mattered anyway.. I would have agreed to act in anything, i guess. To me it seemed that writers/producers of it wanted to show us "insane" more normal than any other character there.
I had read only part of the script, and I pretty much only know that it is again such a slowpaced and hardly understandable thing with some surreal feeling. Main character is a man who has been in Afganistan for some time and become an muslim there and now is back in home country where he is suddenly drawed into weird events. There was a nudist theater/circus and a drowned man, and hearse driver who looked like Michael Jackson.. and of course the asylum with us.. normal people and crazy doctors. Anyway, like I said, I don't really know much anything about it and have to wait for the premiere like any other to be sure what it exactly was. Name is "Kirjad Inglile" (Letters to the Angel).

I guess I "forgot" to say in how bad shape these great manorhouses actually were.. only this place where we stayed, was in OK condition. And nature was still beautiful. Really better than it may seem from these photos.

Grrr.. I hate this blogger photo resizing.. I don't know.. if you click on the photos, will it be possible to see bigger pics.
No photos of me :p
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Born to be wild!
Friday, August 14, 2009
As I alredy wrote I didn't go to Viljandi Folk
Sunday, August 2, 2009
What makes it tick!
Monday, July 27, 2009
The one after the last
It was the time of folksong festival in Estonia.. Sadly, I wasn't there (at Viljandi where it was held). In the beginning of weekend we went to Tallinn to play pool with friends.. just a good social time. Pool is simple enjoyment, friends are basically ordinary.. what I like most about these kinds of rides is that these almost all the time end at the night times. Well, I'm the night person. I like the night already because of the night sky, the feeling at night, and that peacefulness (not silence itself.. but night is when people normally don't work.. they unwind). I love the city at night, I'm fascinated to watch different people.. yet at night it feels even better. At nights people are more free, more social. We saw some pretty weird kinds.. few really talkative girls, some guys who liked to buy night snack in underwear, etc.
Yesterday, one of my earliest friends came back to home for a while after working in Norway. So I went to see him too. And today I read the blog of two guys who already have traveled to India by land, and once more to Iran.. and been to north-western Africa. When still in Europe (in these old soviet states Ukraine and Moldova) they already had so much trouble that they really scared the shit out of me about any official who can extort something from travelers so easily. Of course I haven't planned to go through these countries.. if I even can get so far as starting my voyage.
Huh.. I'm quite tired tonight.. so I think I go to sleep now. Peace and love!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
SOCA - Summer Outdoors Chillin' Atmosphere
Sunday, June 28, 2009
That's how they did it in the old times.. well, almost

This piece I call Settecento, what means 18th century for Italian. In arthistory it is common to name artperiods with such Italian words for corresponding centuries. This digital painting got such name from me because when in university I started studying French and in one lesson we had to tell our birth years and dates, then one co-student made a joke about me being born in 18th century (probably because of my hairstyle and pale skin). And although I was really born in 1981 and everyone knows it, this "belief" got widely spread.. and I too liked the idea. So this got to be a theme for my selfportrait.. a classicistic painting with some features of soon coming romanticism period. So this is the result.. a selfportrait over what I'm really proud.
Other than that.. I have had many themes in my head on what to write, but for some reason didn't do that. My summer will be filled with painting, searching for job, little bicycle trips few days in length around Estonia and preparing for possible bigger voyage in autumn if I don't find any rason to stay in homeland.. but I hope that in between there somewhere I take some time to blog too. Oh and I plan to start writing a book too, yet this may take as long as ever.. I have nowhere to hurry with that.