This piece I call Settecento, what means 18th century for Italian. In arthistory it is common to name artperiods with such Italian words for corresponding centuries. This digital painting got such name from me because when in university I started studying French and in one lesson we had to tell our birth years and dates, then one co-student made a joke about me being born in 18th century (probably because of my hairstyle and pale skin). And although I was really born in 1981 and everyone knows it, this "belief" got widely spread.. and I too liked the idea. So this got to be a theme for my selfportrait.. a classicistic painting with some features of soon coming romanticism period. So this is the result.. a selfportrait over what I'm really proud.
Other than that.. I have had many themes in my head on what to write, but for some reason didn't do that. My summer will be filled with painting, searching for job, little bicycle trips few days in length around Estonia and preparing for possible bigger voyage in autumn if I don't find any rason to stay in homeland.. but I hope that in between there somewhere I take some time to blog too. Oh and I plan to start writing a book too, yet this may take as long as ever.. I have nowhere to hurry with that.