Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Best soccer: Netherland3-0Italy

What can i say.. today Holland really showed what they are worth. Entire game was totaly under their control. Yes, well, italians tried, they gave everything, but it didn't brought any goals. hollanders just made this game as hard for Italy as they were able.. and that meant a fuckin intense job for the italians.. basicaly italians had no power to attack, cuz they were so busy with defending their own territory.
Ok.. actually i don't want to make this an another soccer themed blog. I just wanted to show my happiness for Netherland's victory.. and that is especially fantastic because often northern people are thought to be slow, cautious and modest.. so with such a great style and strength, they show that northern Europe will not fall in sleep and will not give up. I myself, represent a little different kind of personality, for estonian anyway.. well, maybe i'm not so hot tempered as southern brothers, but i still may be quite spicy. At least i feel that nordic people should be more downright and more brave. Certainly i will not like people who are like batterybunnies, but really, why should we be so gloomy.. so bloody cheerless. With joy comes energy and strength that goes for right business. With that kind of confidence we could achieve whatever. So be stronger, my nordic brothers and sisters.. Let's set some progressive purposes and not accept what others say what we can or can't do. Fight for your glory!

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