Saturday, August 16, 2008

Honesty of child says: For peace, just make peace

"Daddy, daddy.. i want this three kiloton nuclear missile and this mega-mecha robot killer action hero from that toyshop we visited yesterday! I swear i will be a good boy.. I fight on the good side!" said little mister president, when his parents asked what he would like to get for birthday. At then, he didn't know anything about politics, international law or nuclear proliferation pact yet. Well, he had thought that he want to be someone important when he grows up, but he actually had no idea what future brings for him, nor he didn't had any certain plans.
Does child know what is a war? Or, what is peace? As young boys we often play with toyguns or lead armies of miniature soldiers across the difficult landscape to conquer enemy base at the other end of the room. Yet, i have really vivid memory of that time when war got reality for me,.. when i started to fear it. It is weird because, for a kid, a war with his friends should be more real than something that really and seriously threathens his homecountry. Real conflicts happen behind a horizon and for children almost anything behind his ordinary homeground is just as fantastic as stories from the book or the games he is playing. When i was at the age of nine or ten, somehow i knew that something serious is happening. I guess i saw that seriousness in the faces of people. How can a kiddo see the dream about tank forcing its way through the corner of his room, wounding people you know, raising a cloud of dust and making unimaginable noise when it fires its main gun? I had not even seen a real tank yet. Actually i still haven't. Toy soldiers don't bleed, floor of your room is not dusty and houses you have created from some boxes doesn't fall into rubble when tank rams these. Also the shooting sound is made by your own mouth, that although being as loud as one such a young man can make it, is still sufferable and doesn't threaten anyone. But then one day i overheard about how in our capital city, where also my grandparents lived, simple unarmed people are standing against the invading troops with guns and tanks. That was scaring me. Security of the ordinary life, as i saw it, was suddenly deeply disturbed.
How much is there a completely safe places on Earth today? I should say that no place is safe anymore, and things are getting even more worse, because the reasons why wars are fought get more and more regular. Still, you can see in tv or newspaper that some kids are more fortunate than others. Or are they? Growing up in a comfty and seemingly secure environment doesn't lose the problem. In US and western Europe, people had almost forgotten how much on thin edge the balance of the world is. Our world has seen two World Wars, wars that were waged on so large territory, that it was seen as the entire world. And yes, these had actual effects on the entire planet and society. Especially the second one had a warning for us. Human had made it's own destruction possible. But still, that didn't make countries to throw away their weapons. It made industry of war even greater. Even more powerful weapons were created. Half the century, people basically believed that balance resides in the fear of war. When we know how we can create the apocalypse, we just don't risk with it.
I call the people of the new millenia, a children of the war. That is because now we understand that this fear of destruction is not keeping the wars at hold. We, who have free access to information from television or internet, see how simply everything can fall into dust. Smarter ones of us see also the real reasons behind the problems and maybe even the solution. Only way to ensure the peace, is the total disarming of the world. And the last is possible only if we understand what every human needs and doesn't need. Everyone needs food, water, home, freedom, love and security. I wouldn't say we shouldn't have anything else, but every such thing that we can live without, helps to ensure the peace. I hope you understand that every war is fought because of the wanting and needing or some other selfish reason. Seeing new generation of children being smarter, much more empathic, having the sense of the coming things and moreover, they have the knowledge and abilities to know how to use this sense. They may be the salvation we have been waiting. At least with right kind of guidance, that can be. So kids today may be almost like veteran soldiers, who say that only good war is winning war, and the only way to be sure to win the war would be the peace.
I guess it can be said that humankind, the civilization was born from the war, but now it's the time for the child to find its own path without mother. It's time for the new era of illuminated reason and wisdom and truth. I think it's the right time to start teaching the youth the way of peace, because the old world shows the marks of fatigue. It may be dying and it even wants to make a peace with the new generation, the new world. But remember, you can not give a peace offering with a clenched fist. Francois de la Rochefoucauld said: "Quarrels would not be so long if the fault was only one-sided." If the new generation wants to live in peace, it should just hold from anything that may aggravate the situations. It should learn humility and forsaking the selfish desires. New peoples should know how to say no to themselves. They should encourage positive discourses and be open for feelings.


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